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Automatic translation of Python source modules with Python ByteCoat

After extracting the archive you'll get a directory such as bytecoat-python25-x86-glibc27. Inside this directory executing the command

./BCconvert modul.pyc -o

leads to file /modul.c. For instance:

./BCconvert /project/test.pyc -o /project

Command line arguments:

-h, --help                  show help message and exit

-t DIR, --template-dir=DIR  Template directory (in case you BCconvert 
                            is called from a different directory, this 
                            must point to zu 

-o DIR, --output-dir=DIR    write files to DIR

-n, --line-numbers          enable line numbers in traceback

-r, --tracing               enable tracing support

The generated C file can be compiled into a shared library using

pyhton25 /project/test.c

The next python import of will use instead of test.pyc. Command line arguments:

-o DIR, --output-dir=DIR    write files to DIR

Simple compilation guide for your C source modules translated with Python ByteCoat

from distutils.core import setup, Extension 
  ext_modules=[Extension('foo', ['foo.c'])],

"foo" is the name of the module to be translated and should be adapted for your file. In case you want to compile multiple files into extension modules you can append them to the list that is given to the "ext_modules" parameter like this

ext_modules=[Extension('foo', ['foo.c']),

After that, you need to start the compilation by running

python build_ext

to build all extension modules. The ready to use ".so" or ".pyd" extension modules can now be found in the "build" subdirectory. Just move or copy them to the location where you need them. Running

python install

will install the compiled extension modules to your "site-packages" directory. Make sure this command is called with the same Python version that has been used to generate the byte code files from the Python source code. We generate our C code for the same version that we detect in the header of the ".pyc" file and the script for those files needs to be started with the same Python executable in order to guarantee the inclusion of the correct Python header files and compile options.

Furthermore, needs to find a working C compiler such as "gcc" or Microsoft's "cl.exe". Find answer to frequently asked questions. More information on how to use Python's "distutils" module can be found at